5. Shedding Religion to Find Love w/Jim Palmer #EP05

Joe sits down with critically acclaimed author Jim Palmer and discusses his journey of shedding religion to find God. An author of five books, and a new one on the way, Jim spent over 20 years in Christian ministry, and tells a poignant story of his time as a Senior Pastor of a successful, thriving church and the “Woke Moment” that sparked his curiousity that led to deconstruction of everything he knew about God and religion.

What Jim found was a greater and deeper meaning to the adage, “God is Love.”

Jim’s books include: Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to Find God (and the unlikely people who help you); Wide Open Spaces: Beyond Paint-by-Number Christianity; Being Jesus in Nashville: Walking on Water at the Corner of 2nd and Broadway; Notes from (over) the Edge: Unmasking the Truth to End Your Suffering; and Inner Anarchy: Dethroning God and Jesus to Save Ourselves and the World.

Visit Jim at jimpalmerauthor.com and social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Visit Joe at joeatalig.com. Follow Joe on social media:  Facebook @lovejoeatalig and @lovewavelive, on Instagram @lovejoe_lensoflove and @love_wave_live.