1. Welcome to the Lens of Love Podcast! #EP01

Joe Atalig kicks off the podcast sharing the heart of his story and his decision to step into his soul’s work: to teach, impart and demonstrate the undeniable possibilities when we look at life through the lens of love.
In this first episode, you’ll hear Joe share more about his life, his ‘Woke Moments’ that spurred a curiosity to question the things that he thought he understood about life, success and the pursuit of happiness.  What you’ll learn is that the hardships that Joe faced were actually the stepping stones that led him to start a “Love Wave” across the planet!
Join Joe in his quest to answer the question “What would it mean for me to look at life through the lens of love?”  Follow on social media! Facebook www.facebook.com/lensoflove2020 and Instagram @lovejoe_lensoflove.Take a screenshot of this episode and tag @lovejoe_lensoflove on IG.  Check out Joe’s full love platform at joeatalig.com.